“I clearly don’t know where my body ends and starts as I also often end up misjudging and punching the cupboard when reaching for something or walk into the door frame. Clearly some of it is doing two things at once and rushing. Do you think the Alexander Technique would help with this?”
My answer to her was YES! The AT will:
- enhance body awareness and proprioception
- improve co-ordination (so you are less likely to shuffle or fail to lift your feet)
- expand your visual awareness (i.e. improved peripheral vision)
- deter you from rushing and help you be more fully in the present
Furthermore you will develop an ‘upward orientation’ so that if you do stumble, you are more likely to release out of it rather than hit the ground.
I added the following proviso: like the proverbial light bulb in the old “How many therapists does it take to change a light bulb?” riddle**, you have got to want to change.
*Harry Styles
** Q: How many therapists does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Just one, but the lightbulb has to really want to change